
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Warriors of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ

            Welcome to Overcoming Satan. My name is Kelly Pierce, and I pray you find the true gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel that Jesus died for. The same gospel countless of other brave men and women of God have also died for. Satan is a lying, murdering, thief whose greatest desire is to harm, hurt, torment, hold captive, and separate mankind from God's grace, mercy, love, redemption, salvation and forgiveness. Please take time to review each page I have put together from several sources on these great warriors of God. I have spent countless hours studying, listening, learning and changing my life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit using the teachings of every one of these warriors you see pictured on this site.

Please share the true gospel with everyone you can. It's the most important task of a true follower of Jesus Christ. Hell is for real! Every time your heart beats, another lost soul falls into hopeless torment where Satan and his demons torture everyone, yes even his satanic servants are tortured. He shows no mercy to mankind because of his deep, dark, and vile hatred for God and man.

I must share the messages I have learned from the Holy Spirit, and these warriors of God. Satan is real! Hell is real! God also made a way for everyone to escape Hell and that is by the one and only name of Jesus Christ! If you are searching for truth, you will not only find it here but you will find it in the written word of God. Check everything you find on this site with the word of God. We are commanded to check everything against the word of God for truth. Never just take someone's word for it. You might just swallow a hook of the enemy!

I will begin writing my testimony and post it to the site as well. I want to share my experiences with others who may be going through the same things I have, and they can find some answers here. I have struggled with demons my whole life, but so does everyone. Most people are simply blind to the fact, or they don't wish to deal with them. Remember that true believers are called to war, and non-believers are prisoners of war. What war? The war between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.

I pray the blood of Jesus Christ protect each of you, cover each of you, cleanse each of you, and saves each of you. We shall overcome, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

Blessing unto all of you in the name of Jesus Christ,
Kelly Wayne Pierce